• Round Head Sod Staples


    Round Head

    11 Gauge 6 inch single wire

    Dimensions: 1000/box

  • Magnetic Pin Pounder


    Magnetic Heads for Roundtop Staples.

    Cuts installation time of erosion control blankets and landscape 

    fabric in half. 


    Dimensions:  1,000 Staples per box

  • U – Shape Sod Staples


    U Shape

    11 gauge 6″ x 1″ x 6″  Wire

    Dimensions: 1000/box

  • Grey Spun Fabric


    Grey Spun Weed Control Landscape Fabric

    UV Resistant: Tensile Strength (115 lbs.)

    Infiltration Rate (275 gal./min./sq.ft.)

    Dimensions: 3 ft. x 300 ft.

                               6 ft. x 300 ft.


  • Coconut Blanket (double net)


    AEC Premier Coconut Blanket

    100% coconut fiber strands

    Stitched on the top and bottom

    Dimensions: 8 ft. x 112.5 ft.

  • Premier Straw/Coconut Blanket (double net)


    AEC Premier Straw/Coconut Blanket

    30% coconut fibers and 70% straw

    Stitched  on the top and bottom

    Dimensions: 8 ft. x 112.5 ft.

  • Premier Straw Blanket (double net)


    AEC Premier Straw Blanket 

    Weed free, Agricultural Straw

    Stitched on the top and bottom.

    Dimensions: 8 ft. x 112.5 ft.

     8 ft. x 562.5 ft.

  • American Excelsior Blanket – Curlex II (double net)


    100 Sq Yd

    8 ft X 112.5 ft

  • American Excelsior Blanket – Curlex I (single net)


    AEC Premier Straw Blanket

    Weed Free, Aspen Wood Fibers

    Stitched on the top and bottom

    Dimension: 8 ft. x 112.5 ft.

  • Jute Matting – Natural Jute


    Open Weave Biodegradable Jutte Fabric

    Ideal solution for stabilization in bottoms of

    high velocity (9 fps) channels


    Dimensions:  4.0 ft. x 225 ft.  (100 sq. yd.)

  • Green Plastic Netting


    Green Polypropylene Netting very strong and durable.

    Roll out over straw mulch, overlap seams, secure with sod staples.


    Dimensions:  3.5 ft. x 6,000 ft.   (10,000 sq. ft.)

                                7.0 ft. x 6,000 ft.  (21,000 sq. ft.)